AWS SDK Loader Module For Prestashop

We have finished the first version of the Prestashop Module to load the AWS SDK Loader. The purpose of this module is to allow developers and site owners to use and develop custom scripts and modules that work with the Amazon Web Services PHP SDK, with the separation of concerns and preventing conflict between multiple modules as a result of each loading the SDK independently.


Here are some of the features of the AWS SDK Module for Prestashop:

  • Load The Aws SDK onto every PHP page with the option to choose the SDK to load in the back office, front office, or both.

  • Load only the Classes you need for your application for performance optimization and security concern, for instance you can only choose to load the code for Amazon S3.

  • Allow other modules to use the AWS SDK without conflict or the need to load and maintain the SDK individually.

  • All patches and updates will be automatic with backward compatibility for dependent modules.

With a single click install you will be able to use AWS SDK on anypage by simply using the following syntax and declaring the namespace:

use AwsCommonAws;

// Instantiate the service builder
$aws = Aws::factory(‘/path/to/your/config.php’);

// Instantiate S3 clients for example
$s3v2 = $aws->get(‘s3’);


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